Thursday 8 December 2011

adverts task 2

Task 2
Today I will be reviewing the website of rivals TNS Global through communication to customers through the retail and shopper section of their website.
TNS Global is effective through their communication with the customers who look at their website. They use videos, images as well as text to contact site visitors they do this to tell you about the business and what they do. The site uses various colours to make the page stand out as well as attract the eye of customers. There is also contact information if you have any inquiries or questions about the website and the company. For the retail and shopper as well as all the other sections they use a blog for readers to find out information. The way they contact through the website is clear and is easy for people to read.
The positives of using this form of communication is you can have customers as well as people who are interested in the business look up what they need to with ease as well as contacting someone if they are having problems with the site. As well as this they can put their point across to users through the use of pictures as well as videos. As well as this they also use links.
However the drawbacks of having this form of communication are only people who know about the store as well as the website will use it. As well as this if people do not have home access to the internet at home they will not be able to access the site. As well as this people who may be new to the website may just find it unorganised and full of too much information.
They could improve the website by giving it a similar layout and not having as much information as they do on it. This could make it easier for people to read as well as navigate.


The blog has been set up to help new companies as well as give them an understanding to the ins and out of how marketing a company works by providing examples of two large branded companies Kellogg’s and Diesel the clothing brand.
To advertise my blog I used 3 different ways of communication which are all very good as they stand out and don’t require the reader to read a lot. The forms of communication that I used were a flyer, an e-mail newsletter and a sort 30 second video. These ensure that the message gets across and are short to the point.
All the advertisements that I have created are not long they are short and do not bombard the reader with information that they do not need an example of them is shown on the left and can be seen that they are short and easy to read. I have not bombarded the reader with a lot of information because if it was the reader/watcher would rapidly loose interest and either bin or delete the form of advertisement.
However another way that I could advertise the blog could be the use of other websites such as social network sites like Facebook for example. As well as through the television however that would be expensive.

Monday 21 November 2011

Brain Food

Target consumers

Why Kellogg’s would target consumers
Kellogg’s would target consumers as they choose what they eat. For example the customer as well as the consumer may be the same person in a university for example as they buy their own food and the buy what they like as well as what is cheap.
Kellogg’s will do this by using segmentation.  Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market up to create different groups in order to make different products to meet specific consumer needs. Segmentation is used throughout business for example the common form of it is manufacturing sandwiches as they need to make sandwiches for vegetarians as well as meat eaters. For example an out coming product of segmentation could be seen as Frosties and Special K, this is because they targeted other people who are trying to lose weight, and in doing so brought out Special K to come to the consumer’s needs. Segmentation can also be done demographically, geographically, behaviourastically, benefit and socio economically.
·         Demographically, this is according to the age structure of the population.
·         Geographically, this is done by country region or area.
·         Behaviourastically, according to the nature of the purchase, the use the product is put to, the loyalty to the brand.
·         Benefit, this is according to the use and satisfaction gained by the customer.
·         Socio economically, this is - according to social class and income levels.
Target consumer is the person who they target which is the consumer (kids) however they also target the customers (parents/people who buy the food). These are called the target consumers because they are the people who buy the products as well as eat them, for example, the cereal bars which Kellogg’s make as not only their target market eat them.
Segmentation can be used for brain food as we can divide the market up and create brain food in different products out of it such as a cereal bar. As well as this we can use demographical segmentation to target specific targets of people such as 9-15 year olds.
Like Kellogg’s brain food can introduce a different type of wholegrain snack for example instead of having it in small balls it can be made into a cereal bar as well. This way it can target the target consumers easier.

Market reserch in Action

Thursday 13 October 2011

legislations that have an impact on marketing activities

hey peoples SAV10090208 here again to give more facts about Diesel and Kelloggs and how the legislations in place have an impact on their business marketing activities. I will be covering the sales of goods act. and will also be telling you people what the role of the ASA and extra detail about it.


Basically the advertising industry set this up in order to handle complaints  and avoid the imposition of legislation the advertising industry set up the ASA (advertising standards authority) in 1962.
As well as that they set up certain rules basically these rules say that adverts are not allowed to miss lead consumers and require advertisers to have evidence to support any claims they make about their products or responsibilities. They also state that Adverts may not discriminate against a particular race, religion or sexuality and companies that make sale claims must have evidence that the item was previously sold at a higher price, these are all things that the ASA do not regulate.

What is the voluntary code

Voluntary code generally refers to marketing, advertising, promotional, labor or environmental codes of conduct that companies and industries adopt,  to restrict their corporate behavior that the public considers harmful or damaging. Corporations and industries finalize these themselves, without public input, an  example of voluntary codes in action do include alcohol manufacturers' introducing rules which are stricter to keep promotional messages away from young people after public attention was drawn to the problem of binge drinking by youth as well as by stating drink responsibly.

Drink aware campaign
This is people protesting and highlighting the dangers of missuse of alchol through the internet as well as print (papers) adn within communities country wide.
The people who fund drink aware are voluntary giving money to them and are gettting donations from a variety of people such as pub companies, retailers, alchol industry and producers.

After looking at this aricle and skimming through it for those of you who would like to this  placcement of a new voluntary code will have a large affect on the company Kelloggs, this is generally because it will stop them from advertising on the tele as well as through other forms of media, so in this case they will have to either cut what is in their cereals down by a certain percentage or try and keep customer relationships high as keeping lifetime customers will be alot easier than generating more especially with less forms of advertisement.
This willalso have a large impact on kelloggs as for some of their cereals they use celebrities and cartoons!!!!

This article on Jack Wills a leading fashionable british company has alot in common with the brand Diesel. Like Jack Wills Diesel try and believe they sell their clothes as part of a lifestyle a lifestyle of which you can feel young again and that you have your youth back.
This article relates to Diesel as Diesel also advertise using racy imagery however through brand video. As well as Diesel, Jack Wills try to grab their target audience of 18-22 year olds by selling their clothes as the ‘hedonistic university lifestyle’. which is the same angle at marketing that Diesel have taken.

I am now going to share the definitons of the following and will then give an example about them;
Sales of goods act
Consumer protection from unfair trading
Consumer Credit
Consumer proteection (distance selling)

Sales of goods act:
This in simple terms means that you must sell your product to what it acctually is, a classic example of this is when you buy a waterproof jacket it clearly states waterproof so you know for certain that when it rains you will remain dry, if you by a jacket which you thought was waterproof and is not it is then seen as your fault and not the shops as you have not gathered the correct information. about the product.

Consumer protection from unfair trading:
These are regulations that were introduced in may 2008, and designed to protect the consumer (you and me) from unfair trading, influence as well as misleading actions. An example of this is for example a trader selling cars displays for sale outside, outside a second hand car has been clocked, so the odomiter shows the car has travelled less miles than it has.

Consumer Credit:
This can defined as money, goods and/or services provided to a customer recieving paymnet. The most comon forms of customer credit consist of things like credit cards sa well as store cards. An example of htis could be going into a store and paying with your credit card.

Consumer Protection Distance Selling:
When you buy goods over the internet, TV, mail order, phone, fax and catalouge shopping you are protected by the consumer protection distance selling. the main features of this are details of the goods or services offered, delivery arangements or payments, suppliers details and your cancellation right. As well as you should have in writing before you buy you should have a cool off period of 7 working days.
An example of this would be purchasing something from QVC and then everything above you recieve and they keep your personal details private.