Monday 21 November 2011

Brain Food

Target consumers

Why Kellogg’s would target consumers
Kellogg’s would target consumers as they choose what they eat. For example the customer as well as the consumer may be the same person in a university for example as they buy their own food and the buy what they like as well as what is cheap.
Kellogg’s will do this by using segmentation.  Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market up to create different groups in order to make different products to meet specific consumer needs. Segmentation is used throughout business for example the common form of it is manufacturing sandwiches as they need to make sandwiches for vegetarians as well as meat eaters. For example an out coming product of segmentation could be seen as Frosties and Special K, this is because they targeted other people who are trying to lose weight, and in doing so brought out Special K to come to the consumer’s needs. Segmentation can also be done demographically, geographically, behaviourastically, benefit and socio economically.
·         Demographically, this is according to the age structure of the population.
·         Geographically, this is done by country region or area.
·         Behaviourastically, according to the nature of the purchase, the use the product is put to, the loyalty to the brand.
·         Benefit, this is according to the use and satisfaction gained by the customer.
·         Socio economically, this is - according to social class and income levels.
Target consumer is the person who they target which is the consumer (kids) however they also target the customers (parents/people who buy the food). These are called the target consumers because they are the people who buy the products as well as eat them, for example, the cereal bars which Kellogg’s make as not only their target market eat them.
Segmentation can be used for brain food as we can divide the market up and create brain food in different products out of it such as a cereal bar. As well as this we can use demographical segmentation to target specific targets of people such as 9-15 year olds.
Like Kellogg’s brain food can introduce a different type of wholegrain snack for example instead of having it in small balls it can be made into a cereal bar as well. This way it can target the target consumers easier.

Market reserch in Action